- Added long waited server item DROP / CRAFT list. There may be some information gaps. The drop list is being updated. HERE
- Drop from normal mobs, drop from bosses, drop from goldens, chaos card, blossoms, boxes, CM mix. To be added Event / Invasion drops, special drops, etc.
- (Permanent) rewards for all server members dedicated to the 106th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia
) The success rate of Chaos Machine (Normal Items +10...+15 lvl only, Ancient Items +10...+15 lvl only, Socket Items +10...+15 lvl only and Wings Items +10...+15 lvl only) is increased by +10%
- The TCA (Talisman of Chaos Assembly), which players wanted so much, is now available for sale for GP (Goblin Point) coins in the Elbeland store.
- The new CS (Castle Siege) points system is disabled until the PVP tests are completed. CS will operate in normal mode.
- Ore piece drops (Exc, Socket, Luck, Option) are restored on the Kubera Mine map. Drops will take place during the event, and will not be in spots!
- On Item drop list added - special drops and map drops.
- Doppelganger Event (Double Goer) remaked. Added prizes and cutomised Event time. Info HERE. Doppelganger Event ticket now stacked in stacks. Event NPC on Embland take only only item from stack. The remaining tickets will be safe and there will be no more space taken up in the inventory.
- Fixes - RF Socket set, Event Zyro fixed, Nixie event, and lot of more small fixes...
Posted 23.11.2024